Felrath Hines: Kinds of Blue presents an intimate discovery of six oil on canvas works by Felrath Hines from the late 1950s to early 1960s. Hines’ work of this time is among his strongest, featuring large-scale canvases, masterful use of color, and layered brushwork rooted in historical Impressionist and Fauvist Masters such as Claude Monet and Henri Matisse, yet distinctly representative of the Abstract Expressionist era in which they were produced. Hines’ sweeping, interlocking and overlapping gestural passages, for instance, recall the work of fellow New York-based post-war artists Clyfford Still and Robert Motherwell.

Hines valued balance and harmony above all, as a means of conveying, "visual as well as spiritual pleasure."

-- "Balance and Harmony: Radiant by Felrath Hines," Smithsonian American Art Museum, February 25, 2020, https://americanart.si.edu/blog/radiant-felrath-hines


Read more about Felrath Hines:

Felrath Hines in the 1960s by Touré

  • Felrath Hines, Bouquet, 1957

    Felrath Hines

    Bouquet, 1957
    Oil on canvas
    31 x 46¾ inches
    78.7 x 118.7 cm
    • Felrath Hines Landscape, 1959
      Felrath Hines
      Landscape, 1959
    • Felrath Hines Untitled, 1954
      Felrath Hines
      Untitled, 1954
  • Hines had jazz up inside him—the sound entered his ears, coated his mind, and came out through his brushes.


    - Touré, Felrath Hines in the 1960s

  • Felrath Hines, The Bush, 1962

    Felrath Hines

    The Bush, 1962
    The Bush, 1962, is characteristic of the ambitious group of large-scale abstractions Felrath Hines produced in the 1960s. A founding member of the Spiral Group, a Black artists’ collective formed in 1963, Felrath Hines was deeply committed to his personal language of abstraction. 
    • Felrath Hines Sea Shell, 1962
      Felrath Hines
      Sea Shell, 1962
    • Felrath Hines Distant View, 1962
      Felrath Hines
      Distant View, 1962
  • If you would enjoy learning more about the available works, please contact Alana Ricca at (212) 879-8815, or alana@schoelkopfgallery.com. We look forward to being in touch.