Ben ShahnStudy for "The Meaning of Social Security", c. 1940–42
Max WeberThe Brass Candlestick, 1914
Manierre DawsonMadonna, 1911
Manierre DawsonUntitled Abstraction, c. 1921
Manierre DawsonPrognostic (Right Panel of Triptych), 1910
Max WeberThe Green Bottle, 1907
Max WeberRed Cross Nurse, 1919
Manierre DawsonFlowers in a Yellow Vase, 1906
Manierre DawsonArray in Brown, 1913-14
Max WeberNapkin and Apples, 1920
Max WeberThe Pewter Cup, 1921
Manierre DawsonApollo, 1919
Manierre DawsonStill Life — Blue Objects, 1912
Max WeberFlowers, 1944
Manierre DawsonBlue Vase and Nuts, 1909
Herbert Jacob GuteRaising the Tent
Max WeberThe Apollo in Matisse's Studio, 1908
Max WeberStill Life with Blue Bottle, 1911
Reginald MarshLocomotive, 1929
Philip EvergoodBowery Movie, 1932
Helen WessellsThe Negro Troop, 1935-36
Ben ShahnAmerican Couple, 1938
Philip EvergoodClassroom History, 1938
Reginald MarshOn the Hudson, 1941
Ben ShahnThree Hands, 1950
Max WeberChinese Planter with Green Leaves, c. 1907
Alfred MaurerPoule dans un nid (Chicken in a Nest), c. 1908-10
Max WeberStill Life, c. 1917
Alfred MaurerAbstraction, c. 1919
Max WeberEgyptian Pot and Fruit, 1923
Charles DemuthProvincetown Rooftops, 1918
Joseph StellaThe Heron, 1925
Joseph StellaFountain, 1929
George C. AultGreenwich Village Rooftops, 1931
Joseph StellaPalms, 1938
Alfred MaurerStill Life with Zinnias, c. 1910
Oscar BluemnerStudy for "Red House, New Jersey", c. 1928-29
Joseph StellaFlower, c. 1930
Joseph StellaAnthuriums in a Blue Glass Vase, c. 1935
Joseph StellaWoman and Sea, c. 1938