Alfred Maurer
21.6 x 26.7 cm
The artist;
[Erhard Weyhe Gallery, New York]; to
Gertrude Dennis (daughter of the above), until 1992; to
Private collection;
[Hollis Taggart Galleries, New York, 1999];
Tommy LiPuma, New York, 2005; to
Estate of the above, 2017
Nardin Fine Arts Ltd., Cross River, New York, Alfred H. Maurer and Guy Pène du Bois, January-July 1992, p. 4, illus.The Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 1992-97 [on long-term loan]
Hollis Taggart Galleries, New York, Alfred H. Maurer: Aestheticism to Modernism, November 30, 1999-January 15, 2000, pl. 27, illus., as Fauve Landscape
Berry-Hill Galleries, Inc., New York, High Notes of American Modernism: Selections from the Tommy and Gill LiPuma Collection, November 14-December 31, 2002, p. 67, pl. 21 illus. in color
Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts; and Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, Alfred H. Maurer: At the Vanguard of Modernism, 2015-16, p. 90, illus. in color, as dated c. 1907