Alfred Maurer
Alfred MaurerAbstraction, 1919, 1919
Alfred MaurerStill Life with White Pitcher, 1920
Alfred MaurerFloral Still Life in a Gold Vase, 1926
Alfred MaurerThe Woman in White, c. 1900
Alfred MaurerLandscape, c. 1907-10
Alfred MaurerLandscape, c. 1907-10
Alfred MaurerLandscape, c. 1907-10
Alfred MaurerPaysage avec maisons (Landscape with Houses), c. 1908
Alfred MaurerLandscape, c. 1908-09
Alfred MaurerPoule dans un nid (Chicken in a Nest), c. 1908-10
Alfred MaurerStill Life, c. 1908-10
Alfred MaurerStill Life with Zinnias, c. 1910
Alfred MaurerThe Iron Table, c. 1911
Alfred MaurerAbstraction, c. 1919
Alfred MaurerAbstraction: Fishing, c. 1919-20
Alfred MaurerThe Road to Quarry, c. 1925
Alfred MaurerFlowers in White Pitcher, c. 1925-30
Alfred MaurerFlowers: In White Pitcher on Orange Table, c. 1926-28
Alfred MaurerHead in Window, c. 1928-32
Alfred MaurerStill Life with Red Bowl and Black Bottle, c. 1929-30